The Garden of Words Movie in Hindi Dubbed by Hindi-Ani YT

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Series Info

Name : The Garden Of Words Hindi Dubbed

Language : Hindi + English + Japanese [Multi-Audio]

Size : 311MB, 1.2GB

GENRE :- Love, School, Comedy, Slice of life 

Website : Hindi-Ani

Synopsis : In Movie named the garden of words where a boy who is love to make shoes design and is passion to make shoes . he want to make shoes for living . When ever rain comes in rainy season he just leave his school and go to near by garden to make his shoes design . one rainy day he meet a girl older than him . She like to drink beer with chocolate . she has no sense of taste but she like to make food. After meeting the boy she makes food for him. From than they starting feeling something inside them . but they can not do so .. the movie is amazing you can have a try.

Watch Komi Can't Communicate Hindi Dubbed